Saturday, 8 October 2011

Week 5- Bits and Bytes

I can see this lecture as a continuation of last weeks, Input and Output. I think that this would be very important to my blog because as fashion evolves the fashion community will use more mediums to connect with its viewers. For example the MP3 versus the WAV files could affect how people hear potential auido blogs that would do covering the socio-cultural history of a fashion trend.
Also, I was very intersected in the binary code. It's something that I have never truly learned before. It's like a cool new language. I think that it's important for me, as a potential fashion blogger to be able to understand in some of the smallest degrees how a computer works. And what binary codes are used when I press each key. This will help me to create a service that is the best it can possibly be.
In conclusion, I wouldn't feel right ending this post without at least mentioning Steve Jobs. I believe that this touring tech giant did so much to make technology something that everyone used, not just the stereotypical computer nerd. His impact was felt around the world and has been one of the greatest forces to push society into this digital revolution. He will be missed.

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